September 30, 2011

Never be afraid to have an adventure.

Never be afraid to have it alone.

September 21, 2011

Feeling bad about not blogging?  DON'T! 
It means you are living the real bits :)

September 14, 2011

Fact: the sound of a ukulele will always make one smile :-)

September 13, 2011

Now imagine every white car is something positive happening in your life. 
See? There's so much to smile about!

(And now every time you see a white car you can't help but smile:-)

September 9, 2011

Tomorrow, I dare you to smile everytime you see a white car.

August 24, 2011

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result; why waste your time repeatedly questioning your acceptance into cyber-society, when there is a gorgeous Real Life Husband who actually wants your attention and participates in conversation?

Insane much?

August 21, 2011

Sensitivity towards others' thoughts and feelings is a positive attribute, not an affliction...
You might be accused of being overly sensitive- better that than ignorant and heartless.

August 17, 2011

Next time you consider getting cranky at that person in their car, consider: what's going on for them that's making them distracted?
Roadrage seems so childish if you're yelling at someone who is driving slow because they just lost someone in a car accident, or didn't indicate because they've just got bad results from the doctor. Everyone has a story. Yours is no more important.

August 14, 2011

Some people are taken from us without warning or chance to say goodbye, often leaving behind regrets over harsh words spoken or opportunities missed;
You have been given the gift of knowing how special life is- you can not say 'I Love You' too many times nor create enough memories to cherish.

August 12, 2011

If you've got a problem, don't be a problem. That is all.

August 9, 2011

You are not always responsible for everything you hear, but you are always responsible for everything you repeat....
Always ask yourself: are you Contributing or Contaminating?

August 5, 2011

Everytime you go to eat or drink something that you know will make you feel sick or bloated, REMEMBER it's not worth it...It's inconvenient, but everyday you look after yourself is another day towards feeling great, another day towards being a mama.  And that IS SO WORTH IT!
Just when you think you know all there is to know about something, remember there is always something more to learn....

August 1, 2011

Sometimes there is a time and a place for just shutting up.

July 30, 2011

Don't ever make apologies for being the person your Mum would be proud of!

July 29, 2011

Yesterday was hard and you might feel under-appreciated; staying out of the Hate-clubs might not earn you a place in the cool crowd, but it keeps your karma clear :)

July 27, 2011

One day you will have to grieve again, but remember grief is like a tunnel- there is an end. Some days will be dark, but at the end there is always light.....The ice has to melt, flowers will bloom again, and it will hurt a little less each day.

These are things you won't let anyone else tell you when it happens....remember you've survived it before. And remember to read this :)

July 26, 2011

How amazing was it to watch your Dad surprise your Mum by renewing their vows in the church they married in, on their 40th Anniversary?!?! That same year you got to wear your Mum's veil...
Sometimes work challenges you to remember that marriage can last the distance, but now at 45 years- you have two amazing people to look up to!!!

You might be frustrated right now, but remember how lucky you are to be employed and valued for the work you do!

July 25, 2011

On a day when many are angry over words, just remember: your words are your own, but you must always accept responsibility for them.

July 24, 2011

As your Daddy gets older and needs to rely on you more, don't EVER get frustrated with him.  Just enjoy every second of having him around :-)

July 21, 2011

should it turn out that's just the two of you- try not to be bitter and twisted towards anyone who is lucky enough to, maybe just a little bit ;-)
Always remember how important it is to show love and, friends, is too short for anything else!
Going away on your own was a hard thing to do- but you survived.  The first day is always the hardest, but remember it gets easier and you can be okay on your own :-)

July 15, 2011

You are SO lucky to have a wonderful, kind-hearted man that loves you.
Remember all of the amazing things he does for you- today it was a Sticky Note saying "Kiss Your Husband"; right now he is cooking you dinner.

July 14, 2011

Be proud of yourself for doing the brave thing.  You might be a bit scared and uncertain about how things will turn out, but going with the flow hasn't ever let you down...

July 13, 2011

Remember that little book of thankyous you used to keep?  Maybe you should start it again.  Everyday there was someone to thank for making a difference to your life.
You have SO much to be grateful for- stop being such a cow!

July 12, 2011

If this is it, if it's just the two of you... you'll be okay!
Think of all the overseas holidays...

July 11, 2011

Remember when you were little all you ever wanted to be was a fashion designer?
Sometimes that childhood dream that makes you smile when you tell people is exactly what you're meant to do. 
Don't ever forget that money and career isn't everything, and how much you want your kids to be themselves, and happy.

July 10, 2011

Back in My Day

I don't know if I've grown up yet, but I seem to have gotten old.  I don't want to to forget what it was to be six, sixteen or twenty-six, or what I thought about life, love, and leaving this world.  Sometimes I need little reminders of who and how I wanted to be, and how I want to live, love and leave.